Bestselling Author

Christmas Together: Two Bestselling Authors Team Up


1The holidays bring people together and inspire romance. What better time for two bestselling authors to team up to bring you both!

This month, Amanda McIntyre and I are joining together to offer you a great price on our Christmas romances. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee, you can curl up by a crackling fire with Amanda’s brand new release featuring an immigrant’s first Christmas in America, and my #1 bestselling Christmas collection about a mail-order bride and a matchmaking experiment gone awry.

We’re also offering readers the chance to win some great prizes in our special Christmas Romance Raffle. Our way of saying, “Thank you.”

THE PROMISE by Amanda McIntyre

am-thepromise_400x600Brady McCormick made a promise to his young wife the day she died—to follow through with their plans to take their son to America and begin a new life in the land of opportunity. Now in New York, living in charity with a distant uncle, barely scraping by, Brady is unsure he will be able to uphold that promise, much less that he will ever be able to quell this loneliness eating him inside.

Saran Reichardt knows that she is unlike most women—headstrong, tenacious, she is dedicated to teaching, believing she has no need of a man to care for her, until an accidental encounter with a stormy-eyed Irish immigrant and his young son changes her perception of what need really is.

What inspired Amanda to write this story?

amandaI’ve always had a passion for taking ordinary characters and placing them in extraordinary circumstances. Whether in my historical or my contemporary romance books, I love watching my characters become the heroes and heroines of their own stories.

In THE PROMISE, I stretched back to my own roots of a Scottish-Irish heritage—Black Irish, my mother called it—and thought of what hope and dreams those living outside America might have had. What would it have been like to sail thousands of miles to a strange land, to come into that bay and see Lady Liberty and read the words at her feet written in 1883 by a native New Yorker, Emma Lazarus.

“…Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” 

rouse3Inspired too, by the painting called The Christmas Ship, the story of a young Irish immigrant who’d made a promise to his dying wife to bring their son to America and start a new life began to take shape. Set at Christmas in New York, it follows the struggles of Brady and his son as they adjust to the new land, and the unconventional woman the two meet by fate on the day of their arrival.

AN AMERICAN MAIL-ORDER BRIDE CHRISTMAS COLLECTION includes two historical romances and a short story, filled with Christmas spirit and a special kind of magic.

Here’s a video to whet your appetite.

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Along with books at special discounts, we’re also offering you a chance to win a Kindle Fire and a Christmas stocking filled with some surprises. Enter the Rafflecopter below. (To leave a comment, scroll past the social media buttons and click on Comments.)

Our books revolve around three wishes and a promise. What wishes do you have this Christmas? Do you have any promises for the New Year?

From both of us to you and yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and promise to bring you more romance in the coming year.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Alexandra A

    I don`t do NY resolutions. But I do wish for a good health for my family and me. Happy Holidays!

    • EEBurke

      Here’s to a healthy year! And good luck in the drawing.

  2. BJ James

    Yes I am.

  3. Kathy

    my christmas wishes, just to be happy and at peace, to make it to Yellowstone Park area for a week next year, for husband and I to have a year with good health

    • EEBurke

      That sounds like a great wish. I’d love to get to Yellowstone one day. Have a wonderful holiday season and here’s to a healthy year!

  4. Virginia Horton

    I do not do New Year resolutions but I do wish for everyone to have a safe and Happy Christmas and good health through the new year.

    • EEBurke

      Thank you, Virginia. Merry Christmas to you, too. Here’s to a healthy year in 2017.

  5. Brooke Bumgardner

    I’m wishing for a fun, safe, and happy Christmas with my family. For the New Year, I’m hoping to have my at-home business (virtual & author assistant) become more profitable.

    • EEBurke

      Great wishes, Brooke! Thanks for coming by and commenting. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I totally understand your desire for a more profitable year. Here’s to your success in 2017.

  6. Kris Meldgaard

    My Christmas wish for over 6yrs has been to FINALLY own a Kindle, so my phone stops crashing from all the books I habe stored on it & so I dont habe to choose between a book or a picture for storage space!?So that is Def still my Xmas wish!? I try not to have a set resolution for new years just a general list of things I’s like to fix or improve on but this coming year I am resolved to start a new tradition, by taling an old mason jar & thruout the year anytime something good or unexpected happens Im going to write it on a lil slip of paper & put it in the jar, then on New Years Eve next year I’ll open the jar & read & remind myself of all the good times & things that happened over the year. Sometimes its hard to remember all the good times & this way I knoe Ill be starting the new year with a smile on my face & happy thoughts & feelings! Merry Christmas from my family to yours! And thank you so very very much for the chance to win!!
    ?Kris Meldgaard?
    P.S. ??Good Luck Everyone!!??

    • EEBurke

      What a great idea to review the past year’s blessings! I think we all need to be reminded to be thankful for what we have. Good luck on the drawing.
      Merry Christmas!

  7. Karen Simpson

    Yes! I’m going to make some resolutions for both professional growth and personal growth. And spend time with my granddaughter- which means traveling.

    • EEBurke

      Great resolutions, Karen. I’ll take inspiration from you on both those goals for growth. Hope you get to spend more time with your granddaughter, too!
      Merry Christmas!

  8. Kim Holliday

    The Promise sounds like a good read. I enjoyed your post and thanks for the Kindle giveaway. Merry Christmas!

    • EEBurke

      Thanks Kim. Amanda is a talented author and her books are well worth checking out. Thanks for coming by. Good luck in the drawing.
      Merry Christmas!

  9. Darlene

    My wishes this year are for my family to stay healthy and happy. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for the wonderful giveaway!!!!

    • EEBurke

      Great wishes! Merry Christmas to you, too, and good luck in the drawing.

  10. Glenda M

    My big Christmas wish is for an enjoyable time spent with the kids when they are home.

    • EEBurke

      Glenda, that’s my wish, too. Thanks for coming by. Good luck in the drawing.
      Merry Christmas!

  11. Mary Margaret Devine

    My wish for this season is that my family and friends are happy and healthy. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions because I never seem to follow through on them. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Holidays

    • EEBurke

      Mary, I second your wish. I also tend to fall down on resolutions. Hopefully I can put some plans into action. Thanks for coming by. Good luck on the drawing.
      Happy Holidays!

  12. Brenda Rumsey

    My Christmas wish is for a wonderful surprise this Christmas for my family. It’s been a hard year…my husband died in April…my sister died a few months later, and now my uncle and the friend who introduced my husband and I 43 years ago has died. A bit of joy could help us all. My New Years plan is to help everyone smile a little more, laugh out loud, and let people know they are not alone.

    • EEBurke

      Brenda, I’m touched by your plan. I hope this year brings you peace, joy and much love.
      My best,

  13. Linda Moffitt

    My Wish is for my kids to have a great Christmas. I don’t make promises but I’d like to get my house organized from a move a couple of years ago

    • EEBurke

      Could I combine kids having fun, Christmas and getting organized? LOL. Thanks for coming by and commenting. Good luck in the drawing.
      Merry Christmas! May our New Year be well organized! 😉

  14. Rita Wray

    My wish is that my grandchildren have a magical Christmas. Children grow up so fast I want to enjoy every minute with them.

  15. Sharon Guagliardo

    The Promise sounds intriguing. I’m looking forward to reading it. Thank you.

  16. Sandy Ebel

    What a wonderful giveaway! The books look wonderful.

  17. Bertha Chambers

    Wishes for the holidays: That everyone has a happy time.
    Resolution for the new year: Get healthier.

  18. A.C. Wilson

    Thank you for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!!

  19. Judy Tucker

    I’m planning on staying on budget and saving money for emergency this coming year. Caught short with car problems this week

  20. Elaine Breault

    This year is almost all going to be wishing for good health and healthy families throughout my big family, there have been so many health problems or injuries, sickness and just no break for almost all of us with at least 1 member in each smaller group affected including me. So I know most everyone lately is having a rough time on the wellness meters. May 2017 be the year of great good health, financial security and happiness for everyone, we deserve it. Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings to you all as well. Thanks for the giveaway away and as for Christmas together that is a biggie and a rough one. We lost a niece 10 days after we lost a brother in law, her uncle, he was sick, but she a week shy of 29 was an unexpected loss especially for my sister her mom. So Christmas should be appreciated and a time of togetherness, love & unity if possible because we never know if it’s the last time! So tell everyone you love them just in case, sorry but it’s true, togetherness takes on a new meaning when you lose somebody. Take care. Celebrate, be happy, and just love.

  21. Donna Harris

    I do wish my family and myself good health. We’ve gone through some rough times this past year. Also I want everyone to be happy, I think we need to smile and laugh more often.
    I don’t do New Year resolutions it seems like I don’t keep the promise, like lose weight, go and workout stuff like that. I guess there is one I’m going to do, try to more happy, laugh and maybe tell more jokes. I should have said three.

    • Donna Harris

      I forgot to wish you and everyone else “Merry Christmas”

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